A Fanshawe Misadventure

Mostly by Bob Magill Come gather round beside me boys and listen to me songIt’s got a thousand verses but I won’t detain you longConcerning  me adventures as I sailed the raging foamOut on the Sea of Fanshawe, two thousand feet from home Now I never would mislead you boys nor...

“The World We Leave For The Next Generation” by Gerard Triesman

FYC Member Gerry Triesman has written this story which looks "at the precarious condition in which our planet is, due to man's activities and the acceleration of climate change." (G. Triesman) This story was first presented at a recent meeting of the Strathroy & District Writers Association. The title indicates...

FYC Members & Friends Hit the Badminton Courts!

A couple of weeks ago, some FYC Members, family & friends hit the new badminton courts at Ascend Badminton in the former Rona building on Commissioners Road East next to Highbury Ave. The group had 3 courts reserved and for Session #1 on March 9, there were 14 players. The...

How to Sail a Sailboat

From Dave Barry, Humourist Figure out where you want to go. Whichever way it is, do NOT aim the sailboat in that direction Aim the sailboat in some other direction Trust me, this is the way sailboaters do it. They are heavy drinkers.

Monday Kaffeeklatsch @FYC

A few photos of this past Monday's gathering of some of our seasoned sailors on the deck at FYC. A lot of yarns and tall tales are often told I'm sure! Photos by G. Triesman

The Duen Cruise by Jack Blocker

A Cruise on the Shetland Bus During a recent visit to Victoria, BC, as I strolled around the harbor my eye was caught by a signboard offering 3-hour sailing cruises on an interesting-looking boat docked nearby. What really got my attention was a note that the vessel had been part...